Azure Policy - Block storage deployment to a specifc subnet
If you need to block storage deployment to a specifc Azure subnet, you could use the below azure policy definiton - { "mode": "all", "policyRule": { "if": { "allOf" »
Capture Outgoing http/https Request from web Application hosted on Azure App Service
If you are troubleshooting any 500 Errors caused due to any form of connectivity issues with outgoing webservice/webApi calls, you often have to capture system. »
How IIS Bindings work in Azure App Services and Cloud Service
How IIS Bindings work in Azure App Services and Cloud Service In this blog I will try to Explain how bindings are created when you create »
Fiddler with core and configure core as a reverse proxy.
Scenario 1: Configure Fiddler to capture outgoing requests from core process You need to define a custom Class Implementing IWebProxy as below Now, you » core with cookie authentication in web farm scenario
When you host your application on multiple IIS servers behind a load balancer, you must take care of storing sessions and using same machine keys on »
Signalr Client on Azure WebJob calling SignalR hub
Signalr Client on Azure WebJob calling SignalR hub which is using the ServiceBus Backplane: I have written an end to end sample that demonstrates Signalr [hosted »
Asynchronous Programming -async await ConfigureAwait() deadlock
Asynchronous Programming -async await ConfigureAwait() deadlock: If you have not read through these below blogs on async, then you must before you proceed! »
IP Addresses in Azure Virtual Machines[IAAS]
IP Addresses in Azure: In the classic portal or when you do the classic deployment we have the commands “Set-AzureReservedIPAssociation” and “Set-AzurePublicIP” to create Public Res »
Implementing Authentication in an ASP.NET Core application using Azure Active Directory
Implementing Authentication in an ASP.NET Core application using Azure Active Directory. In an on premise world, there are different ways of implementing Authentication and here »